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Waters Edge316 Ethul Kotte Road,10100 BattaramullaRouteOpen in Google MapsUniversity of PeradeniyaGalaha Road,20400 KandyRouteOpen in Google MapsOnline Learner Platform, RouteOpen in Google MapsInstitute of Bankers Of Sri Lanka (IBSL)80A Elvitigala Mawatha,00800 ColomboRouteOpen in Google MapsFaculty of Engineering – University of RuhunaHapugala, Wakwella Road,80000 GalleRouteOpen in Google MapsRenuka City Hotel Colombo328 Galle Road,3 ColomboRouteDownload RouteOpen in Google Maps
316 Ethul Kotte Road,10100 Battaramulla
Galaha Road,20400 Kandy
80A Elvitigala Mawatha,00800 Colombo
Hapugala, Wakwella Road,80000 Galle
328 Galle Road,3 Colombo
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